Energy efficient homes and businesses

Put the brakes on high energy costs.
Use the power of technology to intelligently save money. Automatically turn off your air-conditioner, lights and fans when you’re not home. Get detailed insights into how much energy you’re consuming. Create personalized schedules to optimize energy consumption and comfort.

Smart teamwork maximizes energy savings

Heating, cooling, shading, lighting and more all work together to operate as efficiently as possible as a team. The goal? maximize energy efficiency. You can view all of this happening in the Smart App and monitor energy usage.

Energy management system for your lifestyle

Loxone operates the most energy efficient homes and businesses with many functions:

Turn off standby devices

Your building will know to turn off all standby devices and other power guzzlers. This is especially helpful when you’re away.

Room off & house off

With just a double-tap, you can turn the lights off of the entire room. A triple-tap does the same, but for the entire building.

Monitor statistics

At anytime and anywhere, you can view statistics in the app based on your building’s energy usage. This can help you realize your potential energy savings.

Manage heating & cooling

The highest savings potential comes from heating and cooling. The building’s first step to heat or cool itself is by efficient means like automatic shading.

Instant notification

Get important energy alerts on your smartphone. For example, if you leave home and forget to turn off the iron or close a window or door, you will be notified immediately.

Discover a Smarter Way to Save Energy.

Use the power of technology to intelligently save money. Automatically turn off your air-conditioner, lights and fans when you’re not home. Get detailed insights into how much energy you’re consuming. Create personalized schedules to optimize energy consumption and comfort.

Energy Management made Simpler

One Touch Control

Check and monitor the status of all your home electrical appliances over your smartphone. Control the devices at convenience and ease.

Energy Monitoring and Saving

Monitor and Control the energy usage patterns of different electrical appliances in your home. Trigger lights based on presence and day-time schedules for optimum energy usage.

Learn Usage Patterns

Based on your daily behaviour and routine, your smart home devices will learn your energy usage patterns and optimise them giving you the peace-of-mind.

Detailed Analysis for Energy Usage

Get complete and detailed analysis about the energy usage patterns by each of your home electrical appliances. Based on the generated chart patterns, allow the main controller to take proper decisions of controlling your appliances as per need. For e.g. turn off all the appliances when you set the controller to “away” mode.Set a timer on all your electrical appliances and save on your monthly bills. Control and schedule your devices like geyser or an air-conditioner. Also set up a weekly schedule which will eliminate the need of manually switching.